How-To: Preparing Your Pet for Its First Grooming Session

How-To: Preparing Your Pet for Its First Grooming Session

How-To: Preparing Your Pet for Its First Grooming Session

Grooming sessions are an essential aspect of owning a pet. Not only do regular grooming sessions upkeep your pet’s appearance, they are also beneficial to its health – whether it’s rectifying a health issue or identifying a potential one.

However, not all pets are comfortable with grooming sessions. As such, it’s important to ensure that its first grooming experience is a positive one. From visiting the groomer from your pet’s puppy stage to keeping goodbyes short, here are five tips to ensure a fruitful first professional grooming experience for your pet.

Start From Home

How-To: Preparing Your Pet for Its First Grooming Session

Source: petmd

Familiarise your pet with the idea of grooming through home grooming! Start off with simple tasks such as fur brushing, bathing and nail clipping. In addition to regular home grooming sessions, consider offering your pet a treat upon completing the sessions!

Start Early

It’s advisable to introduce your pet to the grooming process as early as possible. This allows your pet to get used to having its face, ears and paws touched – a process that is essential to grooming.


How-To: Preparing Your Pet for Its First Grooming Session

Before deciding on a groomer, it’s important to first research on the establishment. For instance, check in with the vets in Singapore or your favourite Singapore pet shop for recommendations on professional pet groomers. Reading reviews on the pet groomer is also one of the ways to familiarise yourself with its service.

Make a Pre-Grooming Trip to the Groomer’s

Upon deciding on a groomer, consider making a pre-grooming visit, to allow your pet to familiarise with the new environment. If possible, have your pet meet the groomer during the visit, to better introduce them.

Alternatively, if you rather not make the trip to the groomer’s, there’s always the alternative of mobile pet grooming in Singapore. So instead of getting your pet accustomed to both the new environment and groomer, you’ll only need to introduce your furkid to the latter.

Keep Your Goodbyes Short

How-To: Preparing Your Pet for Its First Grooming Session

While it may be challenging to leave your pet in the care of a stranger, it’s important to keep your goodbyes short and simple. Avoid showing your apprehension show as your furkid is capable of picking up on the negative emotions and reflecting them. Instead, be assuring and reward your furry friend once the grooming session is complete, to help your pet associate grooming with positive experiences.

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